Girls Soccer Training Camp
Open to Girls in Grades 5-8
Advisors/Coaches: TBD
Sign-ups: February 1 - February 28
Organizational Meeting: TBD
Training Start Date: TBD
Although Club Sports are not technically under the Athletic Program umbrella since they are considered a "club", you can find information about them here on the Athletic Program website! Club Sport teams at TJ offer students a unique opportunity to participate in INTRAMURAL sports activities against other TJ students in a club-like setting, differing greatly from our competitive INTERSCHOLASTIC Athletic Teams (soccer, cross country, basketball, baseball, and softball.)
Since Club Sports require a high level of physical activity, the same requirements for our Interscholastic Athletic Teams applies to Club Sports teams (valid physical on file and online registration.)
*Any student that chooses to participate in a Club Sport must have a valid physical on file in the health office and complete the Family ID online registration process!*